关于4小时100%女巫通关,作者的留言 part4
101- Clearing the way to Dark Wood, and getting that scroll.
101- 清理黑暗森林小怪,拿到卷轴。
102- Tristram.
102- 来到Tristram(暗黑1的场景。不过比暗黑1里难看多了)
103- Annoying town segment - hell really eats up a lot of potions, so I have to take more town segments than I'd like.
103- 城镇中的工作很枯燥。(买魔瓶啥的)。地狱难度太费魔瓶了。不得不多回来做补给。
104- Notice when I get the stony EXP shrine, I make sure there's bosspacks there and I kill them. It's nearly free EXP, since I'm going to be stopping there anyways. I try to do this every single hell segment. I grab the marsh WP and end it.
104- 请注意,当我踩了石破旷野(stony)的经验神殿之后,我杀了附近的小喽啰怪。这经验不要白不要。每次录这段时我都这么做。然后我踩了marsh(沼泽地)的路标。
105- Countess. She's both cold and fire immune, so it's on my merc to kill her. I grab a String of Ears here, which has 13% Physical Damage Reduction. This doesn't help me too much, but I put it in the stash in case I ever need it.
105- 女伯爵。她是冰免和火免,所以我让米山PET去干掉她。我得到了String of Ears这个装备,可以有13%的物理免疫。虽然没啥用,我还是把它保留了。
106- Town.
106- 城镇
107- Outer cloister waypoint grab. Nothing special...
107- 外部修道院路标。不用多说了。
108- I'm almost 60, so I don't have to level everywhere. Since the Jail run has a lot of cold immune mobs, I decide it's not worth it to try to level on this run, so I just make a dash for the Malus and waypoint.
108- 我接近60级了。不用再去升级了。因为监狱中有很多冰免的怪物,所以我就不杀怪升级了,选择了各种瞬移完成任务,踩路标。
109- Andariel.
109- 安MM,干掉。
110- Quick town segment where nothing happens.
110- 城镇中的视频,没啥特别的。
111- Finally I do the den. You can see why I waited to increase my fireball skill, and I even go as far to get a +2 skill armor shrine here. The last mob grabs a Sharktooth Armor, which I wisely grab before ending the segment.
111- 终于我可以做邪恶洞窟这个任务了。可以看到我一直在增加大火球技能,甚至还挂了一个+2的技能神殿,才开始做任务。最后有个小怪给我掉了一件鲨鱼牙战甲(shakrtooth armor),让我觉得很爽。
112- I imbue the armor for something my merc likes. Lightning+fire resistance, and +life. I take the stupid wagon to act 2 and end it.
112- 这个战甲给PET用不错。火防+电防,还加生命。进入到ACT2
113- I like the fact that it's faster to take the wagon across the desert, then take this teleporting... whatever... back to act 2 than it is to just walk from one side of town to the other. Then I kill radament.
113- 带着wagon穿越沙漠,比用传送过去的快…… (wagon是什么?pet名字?)不管怎么说,直接回到act2比一路从镇子西走到镇子东要快得多。然后杀了罗德门特。
114- Maggot lair, and again, I kill nobody. What can I say, this lady likes maggots.
114- 蛆穴,跟上次一样,我没杀生。为啥呢,因为这位“女士”就是一只蛆,不忍心欺负她了。
115- CV temple. I think this is one of my favorite segments - everything just happens so fast.
115- CV神庙。这一段视频让我心旷神怡,因为一路顺风,没走弯路。
116- Arcane and getting the waypoint for Canyon.
116- 庇护所(?),踩了大峡谷的路标
117- Duriel's time to die. Note the teleport I do out of his chamber - because you're not supposed to advance through the crumbling wall until he's dead, this room restricts your ability to teleport. The teleport I do out of this room is VERY difficult - most places in this room, teleport just simply does not work. Anyway, it saves me a few tenths of a second, and I move on to act 3.
117- 该去欺负嘟嘟了。请注意:我用瞬移离开了嘟嘟的房间。请注意:游戏设定是需要我们先干掉都大虫,然后才能从房间走出去。这个房间的大部分位置,传送技能都用不了。我在这里传送出去,是费了很大力气的。总之,不理大虫子直接传送出去,省了我无数的时间。(sg552注: 117段技巧必读)
118- Waypoint and eye.
118- 踩路标,拿眼睛。
119- Town segment is nothing special. I go back to act 1 because running through town at the beginning of segments where I start in act 3 takes a lot of time.
119- 城镇这一段没啥特别的。我跑回act1再跑回act3的路标,是因为这样比直接跑过去要快(需要在act3的城镇中绕个打圈子)
120- I do the ol' flayer dungeon.
120- 完成了扒皮者的任务。
121- Ormus has nothing to offer me with his rings - my rings are fine. I grab the ol' tome.
121- Ormus的破戒指没有我手上的一半好呢。完成了tome这个任务。
122- I grab the Trav WP, and hit up the ol' sewers. I'll stop that now.
122- 踩了Trav路标,来到了下水道。
123- Oh boy, this is annoying. Toorc is immune to fire and cold, which means I need to let my merc hit him. There's a couple spells I have that do lightning damage, but mostly I use telekinesis to keep him stunned and to stop him from killing my merc. This... is a pretty boring segment.
123- 不是吧,Toorc居然同时火免和冰免。我只能用PET米山哥去干他了。虽然有几个电系小魔法可以使用,但是我选择了telekinesis(心灵传送?)来辅助攻击,因为有击退效果,让米山哥更安全。杀的慢啊,太郁闷了。
124- Town nonsense.
124- 城镇中的视频。
125- Mephisto, with no real drops. Really just cranking it through to the end here.
125- 劳模。没掉啥好东西。我是一路瞬移过来的。啥小怪都没管。
126- Another town segment.
126- 还是城镇中的视频。
127-131- Leveling to 60. I'll admit I got about a half level too much here. I could have saved a minute or so with better planning - I didn't expect to get as much exp from chaos sanctuary as I did.
127-131- 升到了60级。在这里我几乎得到了一半还要多的经验,我真应该多在这里打一会儿怪,因为这里经验实在太多了。后来我发现,这里的怪物经验几乎跟混沌庇护所里怪物的经验一样多!
132- Town segment to prepare for act 4.
132- 准备去ACT4
133- Izual.
133- 衣祖尔
134- Hellforge. I get a pul rune, which is kinda exciting, but really does me no good for this run. It could be used to upgrade the Kelpie snare, but then my merc wouldn't be able to use it.
134- 地狱铁匠铺。得到了一个pul神符,很兴奋。但是这个神符对我这次通关没啥用。可以用来升级Kelpie snare(前文提到的一个装备),但是升级之后我的PET就用不了。
135- Town segment, selling those gems from the hellforge. Goodbye Pul.
135- 城镇视频。卖东东。Pul 88 ~
136- This is an important segment - I grab a chipped gem. Chip gem + ort rune + something with charges = refills all of the charges. I was almost out of Lower Resists, so this fills me back up. It also means I don't have to worry about conserving my LR's anymore.
136- 这段视频非常重要。使用了宝石碎片。宝石碎片 + ort神符 + 带charge的物品 = 充满charge. 我几乎把武器中的“降低抵抗”技能用完了,所以用这个方法给它充满。
137- Last minute preparation for Chaos Sanctuary. I could have done this at the beginning of the next segment, but I was preparing for another few hundred attempts here.
137- 为扫荡 混沌庇护所做最后的准备。本可以在下一段视频中这样做,不过下一段视频有可能经过几百次尝试才能做好,所以就在这一段中做完吧。