关于4小时100%女巫通关,作者的留言 part3

65- The ancient armor I grabbed last round is not special, but I hang onto it in case I get lucky with runes and can make a nice runeword for my merc. Otherwise, I know it will sell for a lot. Into the stash it goes. I don't care about whats-her-face's quest reward of the ring, because both of my rings are very good, and she can't offer much better. I grab the OC waypoint and get the hammer. I don't HAVE to kill the blacksmith here, but I do for the exp. I am almost dead though, so I end the segment before I have a chance to look at his drops. Shame, but it was probably nothing good.
65- 上次得到的远古铠甲没什么特别之处,但我把它留了下来,打算将来做了符文之语给PET穿上。这个东西也卖不了多少钱。我不在乎“whats-her-face's”这个任务的戒指奖励,因为我现在装备的两个戒指就很不错了。她也给不了更好的戒指。我踩了OC的waypoint,得到了锤子,这里虽然没必要干掉铁匠,但是为了经验我还是干掉他了。我自己也差点挂掉。所以我急匆匆的结束了这段视频,都没来得及看看他掉了什么装备。偶羞羞了~不过估计也掉不了啥好东西。

66- I grab the inner cloister waypoint, and kill the enemies in the cathedral for the EXP. I don't move forward into the catacombs yet.
66- 踩了内部修道院的路标。干掉了教堂里的怪。得到经验。还没进入到地下墓穴。

67- I need to burn my imbue, and I don't have any white items handy (only non-magical items can be imbued), so I go ahead and imbue the Wirt's Leg. It's kinda funny that it lets you do that, but it doesn't really make a difference, I can still use it for the cow portal. Andariel dies - you'll notice I don't static her - I'm still extremely low level for this area - look how much damage the fallen do to me. I kill her conventionally and move on to the next act.
67- 我需要给白色装备镀金,可惜没啥合适的白色装备(只有非魔法装备才能被ACT1的女铁匠镀金)所以我把沃特假腿镀金了(无语orz)。居然可以这样做,很好玩,而且这个假腿还能用来开母牛关。安MM倒下了- 你也许注意到,我没有使用静力场——在这里,我的等级很低——看看fallen(最小的那种小怪)对我造成的伤害吧。我干掉了安MM来到下一幕。

68- Here is the type of merc that will stay with me forever. I choose the one that gives frozen aura - it's very handy when folks are trying to kill me and I can't get frozen orb off, and it also freezes mobs who normally cannot be frozen - including cold immune. It was a tough decision between this merc and the one that gives Might aura, but I think it was the right decision. I also grab a lower resist wand - which lets me cast the necromancer curse Lower Resist, which reduces the enemies resistance to elemental attacks. This gives me significantly more damage, but has limited charges. I use it pretty often though, anytime something takes a while to kill, it's nice to have the extra oomph.
68- 这里有我会一直使用的佣兵:神圣冰冻PET。(米山哥笑了)—— 可以冻住普通怪物,可以减缓不会被冰冻怪物的速度,包括冰冻免疫的怪。用冰冻光环PET还是力量PET让我纠结了一阵子,最后还是觉得选择冰冻PET是对的。另外,我弄到了有降低抗性技能的男巫杖,可以蹂躏小怪了。虽然技能的charge很少,但我还是总用它。任何时候,改用的时候就用,绝不含糊,很帅吧!

69- I go through sewers here. Nothing special, although you can see the difference between A1 and A2 mobs - my frozen orb is not the kill-all it was last act.
69- 过下水沟。没啥特别的,除了我的冰封球——它威力没那么大了。

70- Just getting the waypoint. I miss it a few times with telekinesis because I'm retarded.
70- 踩了路标。好几次我的tele心灵遥感都没点中,大脑迟钝了。。。

71- Maggot lair. Orb is a real pain to use in these corridors, especially since they all take multiple hits, and the beetles would destroy me if I ate enough of their lightning, so I don't kill anything. It's a rare moment of the sorc's humanity showing, but it is short lived.
71- 蛆穴。 冰封球在这里不好用了。因为到处都是隧道。甲虫的闪电相当危险,所以我啥都没杀。很少见,女巫如此的重视人权,不过这个时刻确实存在过。

72- And the amulet. I should note that normal is the only difficulty I have to get the cube - I keep the cube from last difficulty and only need the staff + amulet to make the horadric staff.
72- 拿到项链护身符。应该说普通难度取得nube是最难的——因为我在噩梦和地狱难度不用去取。只需要搞到杖 + 项链。

73- Palace and arcane. Seriously, all these segments look the same (not that they didn't take many tries).
73- 宫殿.(我没有刻意的去多次尝试地图,也没用MAPHACK,完全是自己跑出来的)

74- Duriel goes down pretty peacefully. Nice of him. Onto act 3.
74- 都大虫很配合的倒下了。谢谢嘟嘟。我可以进入ACT3了。

75- Act 3 starts out uneventful. I get the eye, as well as the jade figurine.
75- ACT3波澜不惊。我得到了眼睛,和玉质小人

76- I trade in the figure for the potion, and do some more town chores. Segments like this are frustrating because if I had gone to the stony and there was no EXP shrine, I would have had to start over and do that whole town nonsense again. I kill all the flayers for quite good exp, make my way through the dungeon, and get the brain.
76- 把玉质小人换了骨灰药水。在城镇中干了其他的杂事,(比如买药水,鉴定)。这一段视频中有点支离破碎(拼凑起来的),因为我在第一幕的stony找不到经验神殿,所以不得不退出再进入游戏。我后来干掉了所有的扒皮者,得到了不少经验,来到了丛林,得到了大脑。

77- Manipulate a decent ring out of Ormus, and other town foolishness.
77- 从Ormus取得了一个戒指。

78- Tome and heart. I get an ethereal Iceblink here, which is not too great, but it's decent on the merc.
78- 取得心脏。这里我得到了一个无形的Iceblink(武器名称,眨眼睛的冰?)虽然不是极品,但是给米山用足够了。

79- I keep the Darkglow because of its resists, but it's not too big of a deal. I move on to kill HC - it was heartbreaking passing those two bosspacks without an exp shrine, but it's pointless to shrine for this segment, since it's impossible to avoid getting cursed by the HC. I make the effort to get the Durance2 WP before ending the segment this time.
79- 因为Darkglow(装备名)的加抗性属性不错,所以我留下了。继续杀HC - 虽然一直都没用经验神殿,不过这里用了也白搭,因为被HC诅咒一下经验神殿效果就没了。结束这段视频之前,我踩了第二层囚牢的路标waypoint.

80- This is a short segment preparing for Mephisto. I fully intended to do HUNDREDS of attempts at the next segment to get a good drop, and doing it in another segment means I don't have to do that town nonsense along with every single one of my meph attempts. Saves my sanity.
80- 问候劳模之前的一点点准备工作。我抱着做几百次尝试的决心想刷物品……(sg552注:这段话我不太理解。)

81- Meph for the drop. I get a Kelpie snare here for my merc. I was hoping for an Occulus, but this is equally valuable. It has "slows target by 75%", which makes bosses much much easier. I got it specifically for the hell ancients (even though it ended up not really helping there). If I had to do this run again, I'd probably hold out for an Occulus here, but the kelpie did help at several spots.
81- 劳模给了物品。我得到了 Kelpie snare(水鬼圈套?)可以给PET用。本来我想要个Occulus,不过这个也不错了。这个装备有“减慢目标75%”的效果,让K BOSS的时候轻松多了。我打算在对地狱难度的三个野蛮人任务时使用它。啰嗦一下,如果我想录制第二个100% 通关录像,那么Occulus应该更有用。不过现在的Kelpie也不错了。

82- Gambling for a good amulet. This one gives me +1 sorc skills and good resists, so I'm happy. It does not have 10% FCR, which means I'm back down to 65, which doesn't affect my cast speed, but means I can't lose any more.
82- 赌博,打算弄个好护身符。赌到的这个, +1 女巫技能,不错的加防。我很嗨皮。没有10%的快速施法,所以我现在的快速施法总共是65%。不过没关系,65%就是上限,所以FCR到65就够了。

83- Equipping the amulet and a couple town things. Nothing major here.
83- 把护身符戴上,干点城镇中的杂活(买药水啥的)。不用多说。

84- I get a ludicrous amount of exp this segment. Act 4 mobs give a lot of exp, and I run into a ton of them.
84- 这段视频中,我得到了海量经验。ACT4的mob(放闪电的影子?)本身经验就多,而且我又干掉了不少这样的怪。

85- Fast hellforge segment. I had to do this many times to get the um rune and get a good time. Very clean here, although no shrine and I don't get the followup waypoint. That's okay, since I need to get exp anyways, I don't mind travelling the river again.
85- 快速完成地狱熔炉这个任务。我重试了很多次,才得到了um神符,用的时间也很少。虽然没用经验神殿,不过这一段完成的还是不错的。没通过waypoint过来,是因为这里怪很多,我一路杀过来能得到不少经验。

86- The ol' chaos sanctuary. I looked at my Normal CS run when I did this one, and I lost a lot of time due to standing around putting potions in my belt and stuff. I told myself I wouldn't stop to breathe during this run, and I think I did well.
86- 混沌庇护所。我回顾了自己在普通难度的经历,发现自己很多时间都花在了等待上(估计是依次打开各种封印的时间)。所以这次我告诉自己要记住教训,一次性的打开所有封印,然后再杀怪。这次我做的不错。

87- Gambling for a good circlet. This one ends up with +1 sorc skills, faster runwalk, and not much else. That's fine with me.
87- 赌博,想弄个头环。赌到的这个,+1 女巫技能,快速奔跑。这两个属性就让我满足了。

88- Did you know Shenk was named after Phil Shenk, the Lead Artist on Diablo II? Apparently he is a pretty nice guy and does not whip his employees into a blind rage like this Shenk does. This one dies though.
88- 你知道“山克”这个名称,是来自于Diablo II的首席美工 菲尔山克 (Phil Shenk)吗?美工山克是个好人,应该不会像游戏中的山克那样拿鞭子抽自己的小弟。所以我毫不犹豫的干掉了后者。

89- Stupid town stuff and giving my circlet an Um rune.
89- 城镇中的杂货,给我的头环镶嵌上了Um神符。

90- Just getting the waypoint here, and the rescue quest. Also, some monsters die.
90- 踩路标。救野蛮人。学习了凹凸曼,欺负一下小怪兽~

91- Did you know you don't need to kill Frozenstien to do the quest? And you can talk to Anya using Telekinesis. Handy.
91- 知道吗?不干掉Frozenstien也可以救恩雅的。传送很亮眼。

92- I load up a couple potions here because I put several hundred attempts into the next segment, and I have to reorganize my inventory for it. This just saves me the hassle of also arranging my inventory several hundred times with each segment. Sanity saver.
92- (sg552注:说明自己整理腰带,箱子的原因。没录像,很难理解……)

93- Manipulating a good orb here. 20% fast cast rate is mandatory to keep 65% FCR, and this also has 14 life, +30 fire resist, and a delicious +2 sorc skills. It is possible to get better, but the odds become astronomical as I build odds for getting the 'perfect' orb.
93- 一个不错的orb. +20%快速施法, 14生命,30 防火,以及+2女巫技能。虽然有可能得到极品,不过我得尝试无数次才能得到。没那个时间。

94- Ancients and the worldstone keep waypoint. Not much to say here.
94- 三个野蛮人以及世界之石路标。没啥可说的。

There's a story behind these next few segments, so let me tell it here.

I did segment 95 and 96, and posted them to the internet. I decided they weren't good enough, and went back to redo them. I got much better segments, with nice drops, so I replaced the old segments. HOWEVER, I made a GIANT boner and didn't correctly replace the save files. My segments afterwards used the save files of the videos I deleted (the 'not good enough' run), which means there was a striking inconsistency between segments 96 and 97 (inventory was totally different, among other things).

Nobody (including me) noticed this, which means I went through and finished the run with this gap between 96-97. Only when I was timing the run did I notice the problem.

The only way I could fix this was to redo these segments, and end up EXACTLY where I was. I recorded four segments (now 95-98) that bring me to the EXACT state of my old run. The difference is exp - I have a bit amount more exp at the end of 98 than I do at the beginning of 99. Other than that, everything is identical. This is the best I can do to repair the problem.

95- Baal. Die, man.
95- 巴尔,躺下吧。

96- Nihlathak. Die, dude.
96- 尼拉塞克,躺下吧。

97- Cows. Die, folks.
97- 奶牛们,躺下吧。

98- Inventory repair. I get a lot of gold here, and then drop enough so I end with the correct amount. I arrange my inventory to how it has to be for the next segment, so if you're not reading these comments (but you are!), it looks like I'm wasting a lot of time this segment. However, I have to bring my character to the same state that it was when the next segment starts, so here I go.
98- 整理了箱子。因为现在的金钱比第99段视频中的还多,所以我需要把钱的数量修正回来。对于没有读这个文章的朋友,可能会认为我在这里浪费了不少时间。现在你知道了,我正在修正第98段和99段视频之间的金钱误差。

99- I start Hell here. The mobs die pretty easily, but everyone is immune to something. The cold immunes are the biggest problem, since my fire is still pretty weak. Because of this, I delay the den (the only place I HAVE to kill all the mobs), because it has a lot of cold immune zombies and those big ape-monkey-things. I save that for the end of Act 1, so I can have some more points in fire.
99- 开始了地狱难度。干掉那些mob怪物非常容易,不过每个怪物都对某种元素免疫。冰冷免疫的怪物最难缠,因为我的火系魔法太弱了。所以我并没有马上做邪恶洞窟(den)这个任务。要知道邪恶洞窟里的僵尸啊,小猴子啊啥的都是冰免的。我打算在ACT1中最后做这个任务。这样可以在火系魔法上多加几个属性点,事情就容易多了。

100- Trudging my way through Act 1. Each of these hell segments that look the same took a LOT of manipulation - I have to get an EXP shrine, get a lot of bosspacks that AREN'T immune to cold, NOT get cursed (very easy to do in Hell), and not die. Very hard, but not too much thinking involved. I'm pretty sure most of these segments were done with reruns of Seinfeld running in the background.
100- 在ACT1中跋山涉水~翻山越岭啊~ 一直很需要各种操作(瞬移啥的),我带上了经验神殿,还好升级的时候怪物都不是冰免的,也不会诅咒我(地狱难度中会诅咒的怪物太多了),所以我没挂掉。各位观众不要猜了,我其实在后台使用了Seinfeld外挂。(sg552注:没搜索到Seinfeld是啥东西。不知道这么翻译对不)